April 24, 2005

A. Noel and Una Crosswell cut their golden wedding anniversary cake at Surbiton in 1960. This photo was sent to me by Michael in Toronto. (Thanks, Mike!) Posted by Hello

April 03, 2005

Here is a transcription of Noel Crosswell's obituary, published in The Gleaner and De Cordova's Advertising Sheet, City Edition, June 14, 1876. Peter was kind enough to give me a print from the microfilm a few years ago.

At His late Residence, 52, King St.,
Noel Crosswell,
Aged 73 Years.
The funeral will take place this evening, 14th inst. at 4.30 p.m.
Friends and acquaintances, will please accept this notice, and will oblige by allowing their carriages to attend."